03 Promoting Technology Sharing: The Inevitable Path to Common Prosperity for All Humanity

The Current Dilemma of Technology and Social Challenges

Technology, the crystallization of human wisdom, should serve as a catalyst for societal progress. However, today’s technological systems face severe closure and monopolization. Instead of bridging equality and prosperity, they exacerbate social inequality, waste resources, and even hinder the resolution of global challenges.

Technology Monopolies and Wealth Concentration

A few large technology corporations and multinational companies control critical technologies through patents and monopolies, concentrating technological dividends in the hands of a small number of capital holders. The benefits of technological applications are distributed extremely unequally, leaving ordinary people and underdeveloped regions unable to fairly enjoy the improvements technology offers. This inequality further widens the global wealth gap, fueling widespread dissatisfaction and confrontation.

Repetitive Development and Resource Wastage

Technological closure leads to significant resource wastage. Companies compete for market share through repetitive development, squandering human, material, and financial resources, while slowing the pace of overall technological progress. Meanwhile, advanced technologies already developed are left idle due to patent protections, failing to maximize their benefits to society.

The Technology Divide and Global Development Imbalance

High costs and technological barriers have left developing countries persistently disadvantaged, limiting their economic growth and exacerbating global inequality. Many children in impoverished nations lose opportunities to change their destinies due to a lack of access to educational technologies. Meanwhile, the high costs of medical technologies remain unaffordable for countless vulnerable populations.

Global Challenges Exacerbated by Technological Closure

The resolution of global challenges depends on the support of technology sharing. However, the current state of technological closure limits the depth and breadth of international cooperation, worsening these issues further.

Why Technology Sharing Is the Solution

The core principle of technology sharing is openness and collaboration, transforming technology from a privilege for the few into a shared resource for all humanity. Achieving this vision can fundamentally resolve the issues caused by technological monopolization and closure, paving the way for shared prosperity.

1. Bridging Social and International Development Gaps

Technology sharing can help underdeveloped regions overcome technological barriers, boost productivity, and improve living standards. This is not only a moral responsibility for the global community but also a necessity for sustainable global economic growth.

2. Enhancing Resource Efficiency and Unlocking Innovation Potential

Open technologies can prevent resource wastage from repetitive development and direct more resources toward genuine innovation. Shared technology platforms enable stronger societal collaboration, accelerating innovation and advancing overall technological progress.

3. Addressing Global Challenges

Through technology sharing, countries can work together to tackle poverty, health crises, environmental pollution, technological backwardness, and other global issues. Open technologies provide faster and broader solutions to these challenges, driving development for all humanity.

4. Reducing Inequality and Promoting Social Justice

Technology sharing allows ordinary people to access advanced technological products and services, narrowing inequality in the distribution of technological benefits and building a more equitable society.

5. Inspiring Cooperation and Trust

Technology sharing is not just about resource sharing; it also embodies the spirit of cooperation. In a society where technology is open, trust and collaboration between individuals, businesses, and nations will be greatly enhanced, fostering stable and robust global partnerships.

A Call to Action for the Future

Technology is a product of human wisdom and should not be the private property of a few. Promoting technology sharing is not only a necessary choice to break the current technological barriers but also a shared responsibility to create a fairer, more prosperous, and sustainable future for generations to come.

The future of technology sharing concerns not only the advancement of science and technology but also the direction of human society. Let us work together to create a world that is fairer, more prosperous, and more sustainable for everyone!














1. 弥合社会与国际发展的鸿沟


2. 提升资源利用效率,释放创新潜力


3. 应对全球性挑战


4. 降低不平等,促进社会公平


5. 激发合作与信任




