The right to housing is a fundamental right for every individual. The Earth’s land and resources inherently belong to all humanity, and perhaps even to all living creatures on the planet. They should not be treated as private assets of nations, corporations, or individuals. Everyone deserves access to safe, stable housing without it being commodified as a tool for capital accumulation or a symbol of wealth.
However, the global real estate market has been severely distorted by excessive monetary issuance and speculative capital, creating inflated asset prices. This has forced most people to dedicate their lifetime earnings to mortgages, loans, or exorbitant rent payments. Such a system not only deprives ordinary people of their rightful access to housing, security, and happiness but also stifles economic growth and has caused multiple global economic crises, threatening social stability.
Against this backdrop, the Combenistic Society proposes the concept of universal free housing to guarantee every individual’s basic right to housing. By redefining housing as a fundamental necessity, this initiative aims to promote social equity and economic prosperity.
The Right to Housing: From a Commodity to a Basic Right
- Housing Should Not Be a Tool for Capital Hoarding
The real estate market has become a playground for speculative capital, driving property prices to levels that are unaffordable for most. Ordinary people are forced to allocate a significant portion of their earnings to mortgage or rent payments, while the ultimate beneficiaries are the few asset owners. This unequal resource distribution severely undermines social equity. - The Economic and Social Impact of High Housing Costs
Skyrocketing property prices drain vast amounts of liquidity from the economy, reducing disposable income and suppressing consumer demand. This, in turn, weakens economic vitality. Moreover, the accumulation of asset bubbles has been a key trigger for multiple economic crises. - Emphasizing Usage Rights Over Asset Ownership
In the Combenistic Society, housing is defined by its usage rights rather than ownership. By de-emphasizing ownership and inheritance, this approach focuses on maximizing housing efficiency and quality while avoiding social issues stemming from unequal resource distribution. - Housing as a Fundamental Human Need
Universal free housing ensures that everyone has access to safe and stable shelter. By de-commodifying housing and managing it as a social resource, the initiative seeks to fully meet people’s residential needs while fostering social harmony and sustainable economic development.
Core Principles of Universal Free Housing
- Ensuring Basic Housing Rights
The cornerstone of universal free housing is to guarantee that every individual has access to basic housing. This ensures that everyone’s fundamental needs for shelter are met, providing a stable living environment for all. - Coexistence of Free Housing and Commercial Housing
While providing free housing, the system also allows for a commercial housing sector to meet diverse residential needs. Those who contribute more significantly to society can access higher-quality housing. This layered design balances universal accessibility with differentiated options. - De-commodification and Socialized Management
By removing housing and land from capital markets and placing them under socialized management, resources can be fairly and efficiently allocated, preventing speculative waste and inflated prices.
Advantages of Universal Free Housing
- Eliminating Housing Inequality
Free housing addresses resource distribution inequities, eradicating homelessness and providing essential housing for disadvantaged groups, thereby achieving genuine social equity. - Reducing Economic Pressure and Enhancing Well-Being
By alleviating housing costs, individuals can allocate more resources to education, health, and personal growth, significantly improving their quality of life. - Boosting Economic Activity Through Increased Liquidity
With reduced housing expenses, disposable income can flow into consumption, driving market demand and fostering a virtuous cycle of economic growth. - Preventing Real Estate Bubbles and Stabilizing the Economy
Socialized housing management curtails speculative practices, reducing asset bubble risks and minimizing economic volatility caused by housing crises. - Strengthening Social Cohesion and Security
Stable housing enhances individual well-being and contributes to a sense of security across society, reducing conflicts and tensions related to housing issues.
Implementation Pathways for Universal Free Housing
- Multi-Tiered Service System
- Basic Free Housing: Providing safe and comfortable housing to meet the fundamental needs of the general population.
- Commercial Housing Options: Offering personalized, higher-quality housing for those with greater demands or preferences.
- Funding Sources
- Combenistic Enterprise Profit Allocation: 80% of the wealth generated by society is managed by the Combenistic Entity, with a significant portion allocated to housing construction and maintenance.
- Public Resource Revenues: Income from resource development provides stable funding for housing projects.
- Technological Enablement and Strategic Management
- Dynamic Resource Allocation: Utilizing big data and artificial intelligence to efficiently distribute housing resources, ensuring fairness and adaptability.
- Green Construction and Sustainability: Implementing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies to reduce construction and maintenance costs, ensuring long-term sustainability.
- Community Development
Free housing extends beyond providing living spaces by fostering community-oriented services. Shared spaces and public amenities encourage interaction and collaboration among residents, strengthening community bonds.
Conclusion: Building a Society Where Everyone Has a Home
The design of universal free housing addresses the most fundamental housing challenges of our time. By guaranteeing basic housing rights, it ensures that everyone has access to safe and stable shelter, eliminating inequality, reducing economic burdens, and fostering a sense of security and happiness.
More importantly, universal free housing optimizes resource allocation and promotes economic vitality. The inclusion of commercial housing options further caters to diverse needs, achieving a balance between inclusivity and personalization.
Promoting universal free housing is a vital step toward fairness and prosperity in a Combenistic Society. Let us work together to achieve a world where everyone has a home, contributing to a fairer, happier, and more sustainable future!
- 住房不应成为资本囤积的工具
当前,房地产市场已演变为资本炒作的温床,房价被推高到多数人难以承受的地步。为了获得基本的居住权,普通人不得不将劳动所得的大部分用于支付房贷或租金,而最终的受益者却是拥有资产的少数人。这种资源分配的不平等严重削弱了社会的公平性。 - 高房价对经济与社会的负面影响
高昂的房地产价格吸收了社会中大量货币流动性,使人们的可支配收入大幅减少,消费能力受到抑制,市场需求和经济活力被削弱。同时,资产泡沫的累积也成为多次经济危机的重要诱因。 - 强调使用权,弱化资产概念
在共益社会中,住房更多体现为“使用权”的保障,而非传统意义上的资产归属。通过弱化所有权和继承权的概念,着重提升住房的使用效率和质量,避免因资源分配不公而引发的社会问题。 - 居住权是人类的基本生存保障
- 保障基本居住权
全民免费住房的设计核心在于确保每个人都拥有基本的居住权。通过免费提供满足基本需求的住房,解决最基础的生活需求,让所有人都能享有安定的居住环境。 - 免费住房与商业化住房共存
在提供免费住房的同时,社会也保留商业化住房体系,以满足不同层次的居住需求。对社会整体发展贡献更大的人,有权享受更优质的居住条件。这种分层设计既保障了基础民生,又满足了个性化需求。 - 去商品化与社会化管理
- 消除住房不平等
免费住房将解决因资源分配不公引发的居住问题,消除无家可归现象,为弱势群体提供基本保障,实现真正的社会公平。 - 降低经济压力,提升幸福感
减少住房支出将显著降低个体的经济负担,使人们能将更多资源用于教育、健康和个人成长,全面提升生活品质。 - 促进货币流通,激发经济活力
免费住房让人们的收入更多流向消费,带动市场需求增长,形成良性经济循环,推动整体经济的高质量发展。 - 防止房地产泡沫,稳定经济结构
通过社会化管理,免费住房有效遏制了房地产投机导致的资产泡沫风险,减少了因房地产危机引发的经济波动,为经济的可持续发展奠定基础。 - 增强社会凝聚力与安全感
- 多层次服务体系
- 基本免费住房:满足普通人基本居住需求,提供安全、舒适的居住环境。
- 商业化住房选择:为有更高需求的人群提供个性化服务,满足多样化的生活品质要求。
- 资金来源
- 共益企业利润分配:社会创造的80%财富由共益体管理,其中一部分用于免费住房建设与运营。
- 公共资源收益:资源开发的收入为住房项目提供稳定的资金支持。
- 技术赋能与规划管理
- 动态资源分配:利用大数据和人工智能实现住房资源的高效分配,确保分配的公平性与灵活性。
- 绿色建筑与可持续发展:采用节能环保技术,降低住房建设和维护成本,确保长期可持续性。
- 社区化发展