In this world, many people are filled with anger, complaints, and confusion about reality. They try to change the outside world, blaming society for its injustices, others for their unkindness, or fate for being unfair. However, if we look deeper, we will realize that the only thing we can truly change is ourselves. When an individual changes, the world changes accordingly; when everyone improves, society as a whole truly moves forward.
So, how can we live wisely? How can we minimize suffering and attain greater happiness? How can we navigate the complexities of the real world with ease?
Below, we outline several first principles of life that may provide guidance to those feeling lost.
1. The Only Thing You Can Change Is Yourself
Many people complain and get angry because they want to change the external world rather than themselves. However, true transformation always begins with the individual. When you change, the world changes. When you improve, the world improves. When you become stronger, the problems around you naturally resolve themselves.
Although we appear to be independent individuals, we are actually part of a whole. Just like the cells in a body, we seem separate, yet together we form a single living entity. The well-being of each individual determines the well-being of the collective. When each person improves, society naturally improves.
Instead of trying to change the world, start by becoming the change yourself. When your mindset, thinking, and actions shift positively, you will notice that your external environment transforms as well. The world resonates with your frequency—how you vibrate determines how the world responds.
2. What You Believe Is What Constrains You
All meanings in life are assigned by you—they do not exist inherently. There are no absolute rules, values, or meanings in this world; everything is a social construct collectively built by humans.
Yet, most people blindly accept the values imposed by society, such as:
- “Success = Making Money”
- “Happiness = Getting Married and Having Children”
- “Suffering is Necessary for Achievement”
However, if these beliefs do not bring you freedom but instead cause anxiety, suffering, and limitations, then they have become mental prisons. True freedom means choosing your beliefs, rather than being controlled by the beliefs imposed by society.
Ask yourself: Do you believe in something because you have truly thought it through, or because society has shaped and imposed that belief upon you?
You can redefine your beliefs at any time and assign new meaning to life. When you do this, you shift from passively accepting life to actively creating it.
3. There Is No Absolute Selflessness—Every Action Ultimately Fulfills the Self
Does absolute selflessness exist? If we examine it deeply, we will find that even the most selfless acts are ultimately about fulfilling an individual’s internal values.
- A hero who saves lives does so because they believe it is the “right” or “worthy” thing to do.
- A philanthropist who donates money does so because it brings them emotional fulfillment or helps create a better world.
- Parents who sacrifice for their children do so out of love or because they feel responsible.
Even acts of selflessness are forms of self-actualization. This does not mean they are insincere—it simply means that genuine kindness is not about forced sacrifice but about a choice that aligns with one’s inner values.
Understanding this prevents us from being manipulated by social moral obligations. Instead, we can make rational decisions to do what we truly find meaningful, rather than acting out of a sense of guilt or obligation. What appears to be compassion toward others is often, in reality, a way to set ourselves free.
4. Happiness Is a Subjective Experience—You Can Redefine It
Pain and happiness are not external gifts but rather interpretations of our experiences.
For example, take the experience of hunger—different perspectives lead to entirely different feelings:
- If you see it as torture, you will feel miserable.
- But if you view it as a process of bodily repair and detoxification, your experience will shift, and you might even feel energized.
You may not always be able to control external reality, but you can control how you interpret it.
Reality is chaotic and unpredictable; many things happen beyond your control. You cannot determine how the world treats you, but you can decide how you respond to the world.
- You cannot control others, but you can control your reactions.
- You cannot control your environment, but you can control how you adapt to it.
- You cannot choose the class you were born into, but you can decide how to shape your life from here.
When you shift your focus from “controlling the world” to “mastering yourself,” you will find that life becomes much lighter and easier.
5. All Relationships Are Transactions, All Emotions Are Feedback
All human relationships are fundamentally exchanges of value. Understanding this prevents unnecessary confusion and unrealistic expectations in relationships.
Similarly, all emotions are simply your internal feedback system reacting to the external world:
- Anger arises when your interests are threatened.
- Sadness arises when reality does not meet your expectations.
- Joy arises when you obtain something you perceive as important.
When you learn to interpret your emotions instead of being controlled by them, you take ownership of your psychological well-being.
6. The Purpose of Life Is Simply to Live
Many people spend their entire lives searching for the “meaning of life,” but the real answer is: Meaning is not discovered; it is created.
There is no single universal answer, and your life does not have to conform to anyone else’s expectations. Your only task is to find a way of living that makes you feel fulfilled and satisfied—then pursue it wholeheartedly.
7. Fear and Desire Drive Life—But True Freedom Lies in Transcending Them
Every human action is either driven by fear or desire. But when you transcend both, you achieve true freedom. You are no longer controlled by external stimuli—you become the master of your own life.
Conclusion: How to Live Wisely?
True wisdom is seeing reality clearly yet still choosing to live positively. It is transcending suffering while still loving life.
1. 你能改变的,只有自己
因此,与其试图改变世界,不如先让自己成为那个改变的起点。 当你的心态、思维和行为发生积极转变,你会发现,外界的环境也随之改变。世界只是你的频率的共振,你如何振动,世界如何回应。
2. 你所坚信的,正是束缚你的
- “成功 = 赚钱”
- “幸福 = 结婚生子”
- “吃苦才能收获”
思考: 你相信的东西,是你真正思考后认同的,还是被社会塑造、灌输的?
3. 没有绝对的无私,所有行为的本质都是自我满足
- 英雄救人,是因为他认为这样做是“正确的”或“值得的”。
- 慈善家捐款,是因为他从中获得了精神满足,或希望创造更好的世界。
- 父母牺牲自己养育孩子,是因为他们爱孩子,或者觉得这是他们的责任。
4. 幸福是你的主观体验,你可以重新定义它
- 如果你把它看成是一种折磨,它会让你难受。
- 但如果你认为这是身体修复的过程,是健康的重启,你的体验就会改变,甚至会感到充实。
- 你不能控制他人,但你可以控制自己的反应方式。
- 你不能控制外界环境,但你可以控制自己如何适应它。
- 你不能决定自己出生在哪个阶层,但你可以决定如何规划自己的生活。
5. 所有关系都是交易,所有情绪都是反馈
- 愤怒 是因为你的利益受到了挑战。
- 失落 是因为现实和预期不符。
- 喜悦 是因为你得到了你认为重要的东西。
6. 活着就是人生意义本身
7. 恐惧和欲望是人生的核心驱动力,但真正的自由,是超越它们